
How to use magic lantern canon eos m
How to use magic lantern canon eos m

The most unfortunate thing is that nobody seems to be continuing development on either ML or TL. Just update firmware to get started with it, and update again to revert - but leave the power on for 27 seconds as instructed. However, it's easy enough to revert to normal firmware, even with the same card that has the ML or TL. So I think it's usable (ML and TL), but not in a casual manner - mostly due to the shutter bug that will cost you quick shots at times when forgetting to cycle power again after turning on the camera. That appears to have been added and exists only on TL. I've gone through nightly builds of ML to June and none of them have the audio trigger.

how to use magic lantern canon eos m

The image turns purple vertical bars and requires a power cycle, shutter speed is no longer what the display says (ML displays actual though). That's the main problem I found, although there are lots of bugs when trying to reduce frames per second in video mode. Quickly cycle power on and off and then it works - until the next time you power up.

how to use magic lantern canon eos m

What I've found is that the shutter bug is consistent across all builds of both ML and TL.

how to use magic lantern canon eos m

I've been playing with various versions of ML and TL recently to do time lapse in video mode.

How to use magic lantern canon eos m