
Mcafee uninstall tool
Mcafee uninstall tool

mcafee uninstall tool

Locate McAfee in the list of installed programs and click Uninstall. Type settings in your search bar and click on the Settings App.

mcafee uninstall tool

To uninstall McAfee from your PC simply follow the steps below. In this guide, we will explain how to remove McAfee completely, so you can start with a clean slate. This will ensure that there are no conflicts when you install your preferred antivirus. However, you don’t have to use McAfee if you don't want to.įor consumers who prefer a different antivirus, it is a good idea to remove that pre-existing software from the system. The hope is that you will choose to pay for the service in order to protect the PC. McAfee is an antivirus program that often comes preloaded onto Windows PCs and Laptops, backed by a 30-day free trial thanks to established deals with several manufacturers.

Mcafee uninstall tool